Significantly Reduce Your OpEx and Environmental Impact
N-Methyl-2-pyrrolidone (NMP) is a solvent commonly used in the production of lithium ion batteries. When NMP is mixed with water or other solvents it can be difficult to recover and reuse. Maratek is experienced in recovering and purifying battery solvent waste streams at small and large volumes. We can assist with your application's needs, providing you with an automated solution that generates cost savings and a reduced environmental impact.
For the battery industry, we have developed solutions for both liquid and vapor solvent recovery. Our volatile organic compound (VOC) capture technology recovers 98% of your vapor exhaust with 99.9% purity. For liquid applications we have single stage and fractional distillation solutions depending on the needs of your operation.
As a world leader in solvent recycling and recovery equipment, Maratek is trusted worldwide by many companies. We take pride in providing manufacturers with end-to-end project management support, state-of-the-art custom engineering and proprietary solutions tailored for each application.