The Solvent Saver Batch Premium (SSBP) products are recommended when process automation is required. Our equipment separates waste solvents into reusable solvent and waste residue. Easy to operate and maintain - just plug, play, and watch your savings soar!
No matter what type of solvent you're using, from acetone to white spirits, contaminated solvents can be recycled to their original form and become reusable back into your production processes. You can expect to recycle up to 95% of your waste solvent stream.
Our Solvent Saver Batch Premium units operate one cycle at a time, so you can control when it is running. If you generate less waste, the Batch models allow waste to be stored inside the unit until it is ready to run.
Our Batch and Batch Premium units are meant for different levels of difficulty. For simple applications with minimal automation we usually suggest our Batch units. For more difficult to manage waste recycling or when some level of automation is desired we may suggest our Batch Premium units.
Batch Premium models are available in 16, 32, 55, 75, 110 gallon sizes.
Maratek’s solvent recycling SSBP models separate solvents using the proven process of distillation, as shown through the numbered illustration below.
39 Nixon Road, Bolton, Ontario
L7E 1K1, Canada
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250 Monroe Ave. NW, Suite 400
Grand Rapids, MI, 49503
Fuente Bella 3299, 14th Floor, Delegación: Tlalpan
Conjunto Residencial del Pedregal, Mexico City, 14130