Our Solvent Saver Batch systems can be filled by pouring your waste into the system vessel, or with an optional automatic fill pump. Our Solvent Saver Batch Premium and Continuous systems are equipment with automatic fill pumps by default. These pumps can fill from any container size you use.
Our Solvent Saver Batch systems use lining bags to hold the waste sludge remaining after a batch. These bags are removed by your operator. The Solvent Saver Batch Premium units can be tilted to pour out the sludge to a drum or a manual drain valve can be used to pour waste into a pail. Our Solvent Saver Continuous systems use automatic gravity fed discharge to a drum or tote.
For all systems, clean solvent exits the system during production to be collected in a container of your choice. When vacuum assistance is used with our Solvent Saver Batch systems, a vacuum tank is included to hold the clean solvent until the batch is finished.